Last modified: December 28, 2023
The McGill & Hill Group LLC is a North Carolina limited liability company that operates for marketing purposes, including providing educational seminars and online webinars. The disclosures below outline the specific services that are provided by each company listed on the website. Please contact any company directly if you have any questions, or view our Privacy Policy for more information.
McGill and Lyon Dental Advisors
Provides tax and business planning consulting to dental professionals. This includes, but is not limited to, reviewing both personal and business assets, retirement plans, insurance policies, personal and practice tax returns, fees, etc. No investment advice is provided through this service.
Lyon Publishing, Inc.
Publishes The McGill Advisory, a nationally recognized dental publication that provides financial information to its readers. (Unless otherwise indicated by either authorship or disclosure on the individual article, all newsletter content is provided by Lyon Publishing, Inc. Due to SEC requirements, articles not produced by Brightworth/McGill Advisors are not specifically approved nor endorsed by it.)
Roger K. Hill & Company, Inc.
Provides practice transition services, including but not limited to practice appraisals, consulting regarding alternative transition structures, associate compensation, timing and trigger points for practice transitions, and providing illustrative cash flow projections. Also provides practice brokerage services.
McGill and Hassan, P.A.
Provides legal services in the following areas: Practice Transitions (transaction structuring, tax and other aspects; document preparation and review); Contract preparation and review (e.g. employment agreements, leases, etc.); Estate Planning (analysis, recommendations, and document preparation); Family Partnerships; Entity Selection and Creation (corporations (C or S), limited liability companies, other); General Corporate Matters; General Tax Matters.