Speaking Engagements
Tax Saving Strategies and Legal Issues in Transitions
Half-Day or Full-Day Course
This course covers the various legal structures of practice transitions, the practical effects, advantages and disadvantages of each, as well as the tax ramifications to each party. Learn about proper planning and structuring to avoid pitfalls, and how to optimize tax results for both buyer and seller. This program also addresses the various legal documents, the variety of issues common in practice transition negotiations, and more! By the completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Discuss the elements of associateship and post-sale services agreements
- Identify critical aspects of practice sales, buy-ins, buy-outs, mergers, and dissolutions
- Calculate purchase price allocation
- Recognize issues relevant to seller financing
- Recall related party rules
- Explain real estate matters
- Define restrictive covenants
- Discuss issues relevant to life insurance, disability buy-out insurance, and overhead insurance
- Evaluate buy-sell provisions among owners
- Analyze income division among owners
- Compare entity selection
Intended Audience: Doctors within 10 years of retirement or considering an associate or partner.
Coronavirus Resource Center for Dentists and Specialists
Articles, updates, and resources to help you successfully navigate the impact of COVID-19 on your dental or specialty practice and personal finances.
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