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Jonathan R. Martin, T. Wade Coleman

105 Minute Length
Audio/Video Online Lecture (Recorded)
CE Credit Not Available for Archived Webinars

DSO Buyers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and their deals are becoming more complex. It’s difficult to navigate fact from fiction when doctors are being bombarded with a barrage of marketing information, disguised as educational materials, in every possible format from articles to webinars to seminars. Our goal is to equip doctors with the truth and be a trusted resource for them to make decisions that are best for their practice and family. In this 1-hour and 45-minute webinar, practice transition advisors, Jonathan Martin and Wade Coleman, will provide an update on the DSO market and the new trends they’ve seen in recent months. Highlights include:

  • Impact current financial environment is having on DSO transactions.
  • What to do if you have received an unsolicited offer.
  • Is the window for DSOs really closing?
  • How to determine if a DSO is right for you.

Jonathan R. Martin

Jonathan R. Martin

T. Wade Coleman

T. Wade Coleman


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