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Tyler G. Ott, Wesley W. Lyon II

67 Minute Length
Audio/Video Online Lecture (Recorded)
CE Credit Not Available for Archived Webinars

IRS scrutiny around the employee retention tax credit continues to increase, with the IRS issuing over 20,000 denial letters in December. The IRS is also increasing enforcement and criminal investigations into the promotors, who have scammed taxpayers into filing fraudulent claims in order to receive large contingent fees. This follows an unprecedented September moratorium delaying the processing of all new claims, as well as a withdrawal program issued in October for those claims that had not been paid. Since issuing the voluntary withdrawal program for taxpayers with unpaid claims, the IRS has received over $100 million in withdrawals. Watch our webinar "Getting To The Truth Of The Employee Retention Tax Credit" to ensure you receive all tax credits allowed without exposing yourself to an unnecessary audit, and handle any improper ERC claims to avoid IRS penalties and interest. In this webinar, we address the following questions:

  • Who qualifies for the Voluntary Disclosure Program?
  • What's the catch?
  • How to apply?
  • What happens if you don't disclose?

SURVEY REQUEST: Help us to better understand how many dentists claimed the ERC by completeing this quick 4-questions survey!


Tyler G. Ott

Tyler G. Ott

Wesley W. Lyon II

Wesley W. Lyon II


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